divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

A narrative with dialogue

Something happened a couple of weeks ago wich was a real test of my honestly. I was with friends, and we were playing football in a park. There's a house near the park and we broke a glass.
The man of the house appeared.
"Who broke the glass?"He asked. We looked at each other guiltily, then my friend spoke.
"I'm not sure what happened", he said. He wasn't telling the truth.
"One bird hit the glass" I said. I wasn't me who broke it. I wasn't telling the truth.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
My friend Jonny whispered me: "When I said 3 we run away!"
"1...2..3!" Say Jonny, and all of my friend run away.
"Little bastards, come here little bastards, I'm going to call the police, come here little bastards!
It was a funny and amazing experince, but i felt that I hadn't done the right thing.

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