dimarts, 8 de febrer del 2011

Disscuss a questionnare

Eugeni: Hey, Pau. We're doing a questionnaire about identity. Do you want to have a look?
Pau: Yeah, go on then. Ask me something.
Eugeni: OK, I will ask you the interesting ones. Do you express yourself more through your hairstyle or your clothes?
Pau: Er, through my clothes.
Eugeni: Yes, me too. Right, do you usually know what music someone likes from the clothes they wear?
Pau: Oh, that's a difficult one. Not always, no.
Eugeni: No, me neither. OK. How about this one - do you prefer to hang out with a group of friends, or alone?
Pau: I prefer a group.
Eugeni: Oh, I don't. I prefer to relax on my own.
Pau: We're a bit different then.
Tània: It looks like it, yes.

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